According to The World Energy Foundation, “The concept of sustainability is one that has been around for as long as humans have: a concern for the future of our resources. Food and water have to come from somewhere, and even the earliest cultures would have had to be thinking about what to do in the lean times, and what would happen if the animals or plants they depended upon were to disappear.”
Here at HC, we’re doing our part to help support the concept of sustainability with dedicated solutions for growing containers, protective packaging and consumer products – all comprised of molded pulp produced in our Canadian facility.
Our core values are more than just marketing jargon. They are the backbone of our organization so that we can deliver a quality product to our customers each and every time.
With many claimed “sustainable” solutions on the market today, we hope our website will provide you with the education and information necessary to make the best environmentally friendly decisions for your business. Give us a call today!
You are about to be re-directed to our sister website,, home to our complete line of horticultural containers for greenhouse and nursery growers. Once there, you will be able to easily browse our full line of sustainable, fiber growing containers, request samples and download catalogs.
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