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Biodegradable Packaging Becomes Reality at Household Product Giant

Posted on: June 16th, 2020


According to a recent article on CNN.com, household product giant Unilever plans on rolling out biodegradable packaging on all of its 70,000 products over the next decade, while committing to disclosing the amount of carbon used to produce them.

“While the world is dealing with the devastating effects of the Covid-19 pandemic, and grappling with serious issues of inequality, we can’t let ourselves forget that the climate crisis is still a threat to all of us,” Unilever CEO Alan Jope said in a statement.

The company is partnering with companies to produce decomposable, biodegradable packaging alternatives where they do not exist today in order to protect water resources and reduce the waste to landfills.

Unilever notes that some 2 billion people use their products every day, which means the global impact of such an initiative could be monumental.

The company will also achieve a “deforestation-free” supply chain by 2023 by using the latest satellite and geolocation technology to understand where and how their commodities are sourced to make better environmental decisions.

Additionally, they’ll work with small farmers throughout the country to improve soil health, land rights and conserve more water.

While the aggressive efforts being proposed by Unilever might seem out of reach for small businesses and growers across North America, there are available options for biodegradable packaging.

HC sells a full line of biodegradable packaging solutions, created using molded pulp, either off the shelf or customized to your products unique shipping needs.

We also serve the agriculture and horticulture markets with a wide assortment of biodegradable plant pots and biodegradable planters (also made of molded pulp) to bring the growing cycle full circle, with proven real-world growing results and containers which are both automation friendly and economical.

The technology for biodegradable packaging is here today and ready for immediate implementation at your organization. The question is, are you ready to make a big impact?

More on biodegradability?

Learn all about the science of how our fiber, molded pulp slurries are made.

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